Thursday, May 26, 2016

35 Weeks - Almost..... There.....!

I'm still here!
These babies have really been moving, and now have completely switched sides. And I thought it was the tech that messed up last week!

They're current positioning looks like this (below). I really feel like this happened over the weekend because all of a sudden things just got a little harder for me. I've been feeling lots of pressure, and my tummy is really tender and sore. And now it makes sense because of the abnormal positioning and that they're pretty dang big with not much room in there.

Baby girl on the bottom, but in my belly she's on the other side. Baby boy on top.

Everything is such a process now. Getting out of the car and getting off the couch takes me 10 minuets. I can't stand up and be on my feet for longer than a 5 min period without feeling that pressure pulling me down, and then it gets hard to breath. My feet and hands are swelling even sooner in the day.
I'm sure after Friday (my last day at work) things should get just a little easier since I will be able to move at my own pace, and get lots of rest.
I am not sure how I would even last if they were to push me to 38 weeks, another 3 weeks of this! No thank you.

So, something that the high risk brought up to me this week is the risk of "TTN," Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn. This is something that can happen in new born white males, born at 36 weeks (or before). Basically, as the baby grows in the womb, the lungs make a special fluid. The fluid helps develop the lungs growth. Because I wont be going to full term (which I wouldn't be going 'full term' anyways) - my body wont be giving off the chemicals released during labor that tells the body to stop making this fluid and the lungs won't get a chance to absorb the fluid.
What would happen is that the baby boy would be moved into the NICU for a couple of days to give him a chance to do all of the above, with help & extra oxygen given to him.
This is all just something to be aware of. They'll both come out perfectly fine - I pray!

And really, for me -right-now- it's just about making it to June 2nd. Then, whatever happens will happen and my babies will be in great hands (and in Gods hand).  It's also better to have a baby in the NICU then risk having a still born with one or both babies (worse case scenario with my condition, Cholestasis). Speaking of, my blood work has gone down the "normal" range.

Lastly - about next week.
There's just no planning on anything with a twin birth, add in a major surgery, there's no telling how the day will end. For this reason, visiting on June 2nd will be parent's only.
I'm not entirely sure of my complete stay yet, assuming I'll be there for 4 days/3 nights there will be at least two days for visiting (with the last day being a discharge day).  Right now, I know that I will only get 6 passes, with Seth having a pass at all times, we're down to 5 people visiting at one time. Visiting hours are 12-8pm. I'm kind of thinking, family day for June 3rd, and friends/work mates on June 4th. It really doesn't matter that much, just as long as you're aware we'll have to break it down to 'shifts' so Seth can meet you at the entrance with passes.
I'll be sure to post more details as they become available.

And of course, your more than welcome to visit once we get settled at home (to get in the door, you must bring food). *wink wink*

I'll have one more high risk apt next Wednesday to get a final look see at these babies, and possibly get an estimated weight. Then Thursday it's go time!

Stay Tuned!

<3 Kimberly , Seth + babies

Friday, May 20, 2016

34 Weeks!

Less than two more weeks to go being pregnant.
A couple more doctors appointments, a few more times being stuck by needles.
And one more week working.

My walk is slow, my feet are swollen and my hips & back hurt, and possibly have "resting tired/cranky face" most of the time.  When they move a lot during the day, my tummy is pretty sore. My cravings are coming back big time! Gimmie a soft chocolate chip cookie, mac 'n cheese and 5 guys burgers.

But! We're all three doing great. From this latest and greatest complication, Cholestasis, I've been put on medicine and my blood levels have gone way down from the danger zone. I truly believe we'll make it to 36 weeks (June 2nd) *fingers crossed*.

I'm going to bargain with the doctor that's doing my c-section to take baby boy out 1st so she'll have a "big brother"... we'll see how that goes  ;)

Speaking of baby boy, he's finally coming around to the camera and we got a really good shot 3D. I feel like he looks like Seth, maybe has my nose. Baby girl is facing in towards my stomach, which is why it kinda hurts when she's moving around, using my kidney as a punching bag or practicing her cheer leading :)   So no pictures of her. And no new measurements.

Still trying to wrap things up with a bow in the nursery, I promise to share pictures when I feel like its ready to show, but its coming together beautifully.

That's about it! Until next week - -

3D looking at face. He's got Seth's lips and my nose. LOVE him! 

Profile pic of baby boy. 

He's "looking at the camera" face, chubby cheeks. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

33 Week Update - June 2nd, Here We Come!

Not much happening this week except these babies are still in my belly.

High risk check up went fine. Hearing the words "perfect, Impressive" make me smile. Perfect, well b/c my babies have always been perfect. Impressive b/c these are big babies. Not much growth from baby boy, but baby girl went from 4.9 to 4.13 pounds. I've still got plenty of fluid in there, so there's room for more growth.

OB check up went fine as well. Still getting my blood checked weekly for the Cholestasis, so far so good. But b/c I now I have this condition, as mentioned before June 2nd will be the birthday of these babies. I have been scheduled for a C-Section at 8:30 on June 2nd! It's totally official. Of course if they come before hand, it will still be a C-Section b/c both of them are still breach.

I am still working, and will be till the 27th should I make it till the 36 week mark. This will give me a week to rest up and enjoy my last few days sleeping, resting, and preparing for my life to change forever.

Still organizing the house hold and nursery. Maybe I'll get lucky enough to finish and include pictures on next weeks update!

In mean time, I'm more comfortable sleeping on the couch at night, so my dogs have officially taken my place in bed, and even taken to my pregnancy pillow. Here's Moe, looking at me like "yes...and?"

Till Next Week!
<3 Kimberly, Seth + babies

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

32 Week Update - Countdown is ON!

Prayers answered! 32 weeks tomorrow. 
To address my recent Facebook status:
I had been pretty itchy for a couple of weeks, abnormally itchy.  I just happen to read a little info blip one of my baby apps that said if I was more than usually itchy, maybe have the doctor look into it. 

I had my last regular OB apt on Friday and they drew blood, but didn't really think anything of it. I was just happy she took my concern seriously. I had gotten a phone call from the nurse yesterday wanting me to come back in 'today' (being Tuesday) to get more blood work done, and have it done in time for my high risk apt this morning (Wednesday).  
It concerned me that they wanted me to come back so soon, and couldn't wait literally two days till my next appointment to draw the blood. 
I had reached out to my twin mommy group and asked if any one else had been diagnosed with Cholestasis, and a couple of them have and it led to being induced early (as in 31,32,35 weeks). *sound the alarms*

Cholestasis = when the kidney is producing to much bile acid for the gallbladder to handle, the bile acid can get into my blood stream and affect the babies to where it would be to much work for their kidneys to work out. This can also make them poop sooner than they're really supposed to ending up having meconium in their amniotic fluid. Both of these scenario's end up in inducing/emerg c-sec/some sort of immediate action to be required. 
The only symptom is being really itchy (weird). And I caught it early as my levels were 2x the normal person. 

SO...  My high risk apt when fine. I did pack my bags just in case he was going to tell me to go to the hospital! 
Doc is putting me on medicine to help slow down the bile acid production. I'll be getting blood work weekly to make sure of it. There is still high risk to the babies, and I will be going to both the regular OB and high risk on a weekly basis now until birth. If I haven't given birth my 36 weeks (June 2nd), then I will be induced then, but really - it could be any day, so I'm hanging on to each week for dear life. Positioning - they were both head down, but now have moved back up and are both breach. Just means a c-section. I don't care either way, just as long as I don't end up with both a natural and a c sec. 
These babies are HUGE!  Baby boy, weighing in at 5.3 pounds already!!!  Baby girl, weighing in at 4.9.  
The NICU does not go by weight, but by a scale. So as long as they are eating, gaining weight, responding ,growing, etc - its very possible that we can avoid the NICU all together. 

Other than that, we're all doing pretty good. Doc is pretty impressed by their weight, and good with my weight ;)  

The nursery is coming together, as soon as we're done I'll take pictures. And just a few more things to button up around the house, organize, etc.  But I'm ready! I keep having dreams that they're here, pink and plump. 

I'll most definitely keep y'all updated. Keep praying!! 

With <3
Kimberly, Seth + Babies  :) 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

23 Week Update

Annnnd, my 1st bump picture.
If it looks like I'm tired it's because I am! 
My has time flown by! How is that I'm already half way through the 2nd trimester, 23 weeks, more than half way through this pregnancy??
I still feel like I have a long way to go, 4 more months God willing.
It was a lot of fun revealing the genders of the babies. And I think we have names on lock down! They'll be a secret until birth.  ;)

Let me 1st give a huge shout out to my one and only, Seth has been absolutely AMAZING. Taking care of my every need, want, and craving.

Because I've been in to see the High Risk doctor every other week since week 12, they've been getting the anatomy all along. So I didn't have that "20 week scan." But so far they are measuring 1.4 and 1.5 pound each, heart rates are great at 154 and 156. Everything is perfect. "Don't change a thing." ~ The doctor  :)

Currently they are on top of one another. Baby girl is laying head to the right with feet to the left, and baby boy is right on top of her.

I'm feeling pretty good these days. The occasional headache, that sometimes turns into a migraine. And the occasional heart burn that sometimes turns into a bad acid reflux attack. Not fun.
I am feeling the babies move allll of the time now. Sometimes enough to make mamma sore!
This past week and more so every day, I'm able to feel them through the belly. At first it was weird, like something is moving in there! But now I'm obsessed with following their movements so I can feel them on the outside. Its pretty incredible.

My little monster - he's looking right at the "camera."
You can see the ear on the side of the head, the eye sockets,
and nasal bone that's highlighted in the white.
Baby Girl, looking as precious as ever
I was able to quit my 2nd job just after 22 weeks, so my energy has come flooding back. I'm in full nesting/organizational mood. After an "exploratory" trip to IKEA I now have a lot of ideas for the nursery. I'll be sure to take before/after pictures. I think I've finally gotten to the fun part of being pregnant.

The Placenta Previa that I was diagnosed with just after 19 weeks has fully resolved! Praise the Lord! Meaning baby girl has moved on up. No more complications for the mean time! And my thyroid seems to be getting its stuff straightened out too. I hadn't gained much weight because my thyroid went from extremely low, up to mildly high, and now I'm THIS close to being in the 'normal' range. Having a higher thyroid level does not hurt the babies, so we're fine!

I go back to the high risk in two weeks. They'll be doing a test called Fetal Fibronectin testing. Basically it's a test to see if the fibronectin (the "glue" holding the babies in there) is starting to deteriorate, meaning I would be at a high risk for pre-term labor. This time around I ask for prayers that I pass this test with flying colors! I want them here, but not that bad!

I'm finally happy with my list's and polished them off. By the time we were done, and got to the clothes part we just fired the little gun at anything. So there's not a lot of clothes on our list. So if you find something to cute to pass up, it's always welcome. Hand me downs are always an option too!

Target: Search by: Kimberly Taylor
Babies R'Us:  Search by: Kimberly & Seth Taylor. Registry #: 57821312.

Stay tuned very shortly for address request's! Baby shower will probably be in April <3

With Love,
Kimberly & Seth + babies

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Taylor Twins Are.......?

Drum Roll Please.......

Baby B is a BOY!  And I just KNEW it! 
Baby Boy Foot
Handsome Baby Boy Profile
Was really happy to hear this was a girl.
I cried when the tech told me it was a girl.
Baby Girl Foot
Beautiful Baby Girl Profile
Are we done having children? Probably not!  I'll want to squeeze one more baby in a few years. But then again, we'll probably have to go through treatments again and who knows how my eggs will fair then. Cross that bridge when we get to it I suppose. For now, I'll have my hands full. <3   :)

Things have been going wonderfully. Perfect little babies. I just had my 18w check in, and they are weighing 9oz each. No exact measurements, but my apps all say anywhere b/t 6-7 inches long. Keep in mind they're squeezed in there. I can feel them internally sometimes. Like when they go from breech to transverse position. (head up to side to side).
Since I go to the high risk every other week, they've been getting the anatomy scanned each time I go, and things couldn't be better. So that means I won't have the "20 week anatomy" scan. They just need to get a few more items (as they grow).

I had another complication pop up this visit (18w), Placenta Previa. The doctor doesn't seem to be to worried, and that it should resolve itself with the growth of the girl. But if it doesn't that could just mean more complications down the road, and definitely a c-section.
Do I have a birth plan? That would be a no! With twins, anything can happen. So the best I can do is just be an informed patient and be prepared for anything.

Do I have a registry? Not yet... We wanted to wait and find out the genders before planing on anything. Will be working on this in February. Will post an update when its all said and done.

I'm feeling pretty good these days. Still get a headache/migraine every so often. A little bit of acid re flux/heart burn.  Still waiting on that energy to show up, but working 2 jobs probably doesn't help that. I'm just about exclusively in all maternity clothes. Maybe I'll be brave and start posting "bump" pictures soon.

I'm so happy to be able to share this news with you. We are to blessed to have such a support system. I ask for prayers for the Placenta Previa. I pray that this resolves itself and no other major complications show up. I'm just over the half way mark if the Lord see's that I make it to 36 weeks.

I look forward to sharing more as the weeks continue to pass! And YAY for an early spring!

With Love,
Kimberly & Seth